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place to see around Bridgewater,NJ - 未名空间精华区
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place to see around Bridgewater,NJ

发信人: zooie (zooie), 信区: Travel
标 题: Re: Any places to see around Bridgewater, NJ?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jun 5 16:56:52 2002) WWW-POST

Did you go to the central area where there is a broadwalk and some
wetland? There were some turtles last time I visited in the summer.

Princeton is a nice little town. There will not be anything magnificient
or splendid, but it has nice balance of trees and architectures. An afternoon or early morning walk around the campus is very nice. Most of the interesting
places on campus are within the region bounded by Nassau St, Washinton Rd and
University Place. A few places to mention: Nassau Hall, Firestone Library,
Wildrew Wilson School (esp. the fountains), university chapel, the tigers,
and a lot of other places near the center. The Art and Architecture school
has a decent museum. The town is quite pleasant along Nassau street and
Witherspoon st. The Institute for Advanced Study is also a must if you
can find the way. It has a big meadow, a small pond, a large woods, and
a pretty brick building with a small statue of Einstein in the library. Just
nice to be where the great brains live. Other places: mountain lake on Rt 206 just north of town for some nature walk; carnegie lake for canoeing.


【 在 HuangNiLuo (Travel Ph.D.) 的大作中提到: 】
: Went to Great Swamp National Refugee yesterday. Very disappointed. Nothing to
: see but trees and grass. And too many residential areas inside it already.
: And anything to see in Princeton? maybe stop by Friday on my way back.
: Thanks,

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]


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